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CultureHub Re-Fest

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Suspension by Wald, Brigitte Valobra, and myself will be featured in the CultureHub Re-Fest amongst video works from artists all over the world.

About Re-Fest

Re–Fest is CultureHub's annual festival that brings artists, activists, and technologists together to explore our role in re-shaping the future. We partner with organizations that focus on creative technology, social justice, and arts and culture to make new connections that expand our understanding of the world around us. Presented in an open and interactive format, Re–Fest is a space where new ideas intersect.

Below you will find the first song to my forthcoming album “I Dreamt of Eleven Horses. The first single is “Rise”. Do check in periodically for updates on the album. 

With Gratitude,


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It is with great joy and honor that I present Ten Stories - a marriage of movement, sound, and narrative ranging from the sublime to the utterly ridiculous. This project came as complete surprise to me as one day my dear friend and long time collaborator, Wald had added some beautiful imagery to some music I had performed. Wald and his co-conspirator, Brigitte had a collection of some of the most beautiful silent ballets I have ever seen. I had to add to it and that I did . You will see some of the videos from the series below. If you would like to view the entire ten stories please subscribe to my Substack page.

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Music From Liquid SLumber on LA Talk Radio

Liquid Slumber to be released March 15, 2015

Joe On The Web

Head to, upload your music and you could have your tracks broadcast on BBC Radio